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Covid Safe Summer

Christy Hemphill

We are all very excited to see that Victoria is now up to 38 days with no new Covid-19 cases! In light of the Government’s announcements yesterday we will be modifying some of our policies and procedures as of Tuesday 8/12/20.

We do need to remain vigilant, especially with overseas travelers returning to Victoria from this week.

Keep sicks kids home

If your child or any member of your household has a cough, cold, sore throat, runny nose etc. please keep them home from gymnastics. During this special time whilst we adjust to Covid-Safe summer, we will be able to provide you with options for a make up class or a credit for the missed lesson.

Mask wearing

Gymnasts 12 years and over

Gymnasts will not be required to wear masks whilst training, but will be required to wear masks when entering the building and waiting for class to begin or exiting and waiting to be collected. If they are doing an activity where they will be face to face with a coach for an extended period of time they will be required to wear a mask (i.e. assisted stretching etc).

The official advice from the government is ”It is strongly recommended that you wear a face mask when exercising indoors where you can’t keep 1.5 metre distance from others  except where that exercise or physical activity leaves you short of breath or puffing”. 

Adults (parents / carers) in Tiny Tots / Squirts classes

Adults that participate in “Parent assisted” classes will be required to wear as mask, as physical distancing in not possible during these classes.

Coaching Staff

Coaching staff will continue to wear masks when physical distancing is not possible. This includes when they are required to “spot” or touch a gymnast or will be standing in close proximity of a gymnast for a length of time. Masks may be removed if they are giving verbal instructions to a large group (such as leading a warm up / explaining a circuit). Some coaches will choose to continue to wear masks at all times.

Customer service staff

Customer service staff will wear masks when checking in children for class. If more than one staff member is working in the reception area masks will be worn. Some staff will choose to continue to wear masks at all times.

Administration staff

Administration staff will wear masks when moving around the facility. When seated at their own desk (with no one else within 1.5 metres) they can remove their mask. Some staff will choose to continue to wear masks at all times.

Cleaning staff / Food preparation staff

Hygiene monitors, cleaners and persons responsible for preparing food will wear masks at all times.


Customers coming into reception to ask questions, make payments, buy merchandise etc will still be required to wear masks.

Spectating / Observing

As we are still required to have breaks between classes to clean everything (gym, toilets, high touch areas) and maintain a density of 1:4 square meters we will continue to operate on a drop off / pick up basis through til Christmas. This means that parents can either drop of and pick up, or if they wish to observe, it needs to be done through the roller doors. Parents observing through the roller doors are reminded to physically distance themselves from other parents (markers on the ground) and wear a mask if you are standing up against the fence or next to other parents.

Hand Hygiene

We will continue to require anyone entering the building to use hand sanitiser before entering. Gymnasts will use sanitiser before and after any hanging, swinging, support activities and at the end of class. Coaches will sanitise hands between spotting gymnasts.

Temperature checks

Our customer service staff will continue to conduct temperature checks on all staff, however we will no longer be taking the temperature of all gymnasts and visitors.

Foam Pits

Use of the foam pits will again be permitted


We will continue to clean and disinfect all equipment between classes.

We are hopeful many of the rules will be relaxed over the summer and some will no longer be in place when we return for the new year.

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